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Rare Gloves

Showing 1–16 of 715 results

ImageItem namePriceBuy
Bramble Mitts: Death Claw

Bramble Mitts: Death Claw

Defense: 80
Required Level: 51
+11 to Attack Rating
+13 to Strength
+15 to Dexterity
+2 to Martial Arts (Assassin only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+27% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Bramble Mitts: Loath Finger

Bramble Mitts: Loath Finger

Required Level: 51
Defense: 99
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+14 to Strength
+6 to Dexterity
Lightning Resist +15%
+58% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Chain Gloves: Bone Clutches

Chain Gloves: Bone Clutches

Required Level: 51
Defense: 11
+2 to Martial Arts (Assassin only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+15 to Strength
+6 to Dexterity
Cold Resist +29%
+19% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Chain Gloves: Dread Knuckle

Chain Gloves: Dread Knuckle

Required Level: 51
Defense: 19
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+13 to Strength
+15 to Dexterity
+96% Enhanced Defense
+2 to Light Radius

Rarity : rare

Chain Gloves: Havoc Hold

Chain Gloves: Havoc Hold

Defense: 8
Durability: 12 of 16
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 73
5% Chance to cast level 4 Frost Nova when struck
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+14 to Strength
+3 to Dexterity
Lightning Resist +29%
Attacker Takes Damage of 7

Rarity : Crafted

Chain Gloves: Storm Clutches

Chain Gloves: Storm Clutches

Defense: 14
Durability: 9 of 16
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 73
5% Chance to cast level 4 Frost Nova when struck
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+45% Enhanced Defense
+15 to Strength
Cold Resist +27%
Attacker Takes Damage of 5

Rarity : Crafted

Demonhide Gloves: Beast Claw

Demonhide Gloves: Beast Claw

Required Level: 48
Defense: 47
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+15 to Dexterity
Poison Resist +14%
+33% Enhanced Defense
59% Extra Gold from Monsters

Rarity : rare

Demonhide Gloves: Bramble Grip

Demonhide Gloves: Bramble Grip

Defense: 69
Required Level: 51
+10 to Attack Rating
+10 to Strength
+14 to Dexterity
+2 to Martial Arts (Assassin only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+93% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Demonhide Gloves: Carrion Claw

Demonhide Gloves: Carrion Claw

Required Level: 57
Defense: 31
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Cold Resist +11%
Lightning Resist +28%
+3 to Mana after each Kill
Regenerate Mana 5%
+20 to Mana

Rarity : rare

Demonhide Gloves: Corpse Claw

Demonhide Gloves: Corpse Claw

Required Level: 51
Defense: 42
+2 to Martial Arts (Assassin only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+10 to Strength
+10 to Dexterity
Cold Resist +17%
+18% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Demonhide Gloves: Plague Hand

Demonhide Gloves: Plague Hand

Defense: 29
Required Level: 70
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+8 to Strength
+12 to Dexterity
+19 to Mana
+3 to Mana after each Kill
Regenerate Mana 10%
+20% Increased Attack Speed

Rarity : rare

Demonhide Gloves: Rune Touch

Demonhide Gloves: Rune Touch

Required Level: 51
Defense: 49
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+13 to Strength
+7 to Dexterity
Lightning Resist +15%
+38% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Demonhide Gloves: Spirit Hand

Demonhide Gloves: Spirit Hand

Required Level: 48
Defense: 32
+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+9 to Strength
+15 to Dexterity
Poison Resist +17%

Rarity : rare

Demonhide Gloves: Storm Finger

Demonhide Gloves: Storm Finger

Required Level: 48
Defense: 28
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+9 to Strength
+14 to Dexterity
Lightning Resist +25%

Rarity : rare

Demonhide Gloves: Storm Knuckle

Demonhide Gloves: Storm Knuckle

Required Level: 73
Defense: 35
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+10 to Strength
+7 to Dexterity
+3 to Mana after each Kill
Regenerate Mana 8%
+20 to Mana

Rarity : rare

Gauntlets: Beast Fist

Gauntlets: Beast Fist

Required Level: 51
Defense: 14
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+14 to Strength
+12 to Dexterity
Cold Resist +21%

Rarity : rare

Gauntlets: Havoc Clutches

Gauntlets: Havoc Clutches

Defense: 22
Required Level: 48
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+9 to Strength
+15 to Dexterity
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Cold Resist +27%
+39% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Gauntlets: Pain Touch

Gauntlets: Pain Touch

Defense: 22
Required Level: 51
+15 to Strength
+9 to Dexterity
+2 to Martial Arts (Assassin only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Cold Resist +11%
+38% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Bitter Knuckle

Heavy Bracers: Bitter Knuckle

Required Level: 73
Defense: 41
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+13 to Strength
Fire Resist +16%
Attacker Takes Damage of 3

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Brimstone Knuckle

Heavy Bracers: Brimstone Knuckle

Defense: 38
Required Level: 59
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+8 to Strength
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Attacker Takes Damage of 3

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Corpse Clutches

Heavy Bracers: Corpse Clutches

Defense: 39
Required Level: 73
+15 to Strength
+2 to Martial Arts (Assassin only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Attacker Takes Damage of 6
Poison Resist +30%

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Doom Fist

Heavy Bracers: Doom Fist

Required Level: 73
Defense: 42
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+15 to Strength
20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Attacker Takes Damage of 5

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Doom Hold

Heavy Bracers: Doom Hold

Defense: 63
Required Level: 51
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+16 to Attack Rating
+14 to Strength
+12 to Dexterity
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+41% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Grim Hand

Heavy Bracers: Grim Hand

Required Level: 86
Defense: 44
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+14 to Dexterity
Attacker Takes Damage of 4

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Havoc Claw

Heavy Bracers: Havoc Claw

Required Level: 51
Defense: 41
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+14 to Strength
+7 to Dexterity
Cold Resist +17%
Lightning Resist +25%

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Imp Clutches

Heavy Bracers: Imp Clutches

Defense: 37
Required Level: 70
+1 to Strength
+15 to Dexterity
+2 to Martial Arts (Assassin only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Attacker Takes Damage of 4

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Pain Knuckle

Heavy Bracers: Pain Knuckle

Defense: 42
Required Level: 70
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+14 to Dexterity
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Attacker Takes Damage of 5
Replenish Life +5

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Skull Hand

Heavy Bracers: Skull Hand

Defense: 40
Durability: 14 of 16
Required Strength: 58
Required Level: 70
5% Chance to cast level 4 Frost Nova when struck
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+15 to Dexterity
Cold Resist +18%
Fire Resist +7%
Attacker Takes Damage of 3

Rarity : Crafted

Heavy Bracers: Spirit Clutches

Heavy Bracers: Spirit Clutches

Defense: 65
Required Level: 73
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+15 to Strength
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Attacker Takes Damage of 6
+46% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Storm Clutches

Heavy Bracers: Storm Clutches

Required Level: 57
Defense: 43
+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+2 to Strength
+8 to Dexterity
Attacker Takes Damage of 4

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Storm Fist

Heavy Bracers: Storm Fist

Required Level: 83
Defense: 43
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+15 to Dexterity
Attacker Takes Damage of 5

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Storm Fist

Heavy Bracers: Storm Fist

Required Level: 57
Defense: 63
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
5% Bonus to Attack Rating
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+41% Enhanced Defense
Attacker Takes Damage of 3
+5 to Light Radius

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Storm Knuckle

Heavy Bracers: Storm Knuckle

Defense: 38
Required Level: 73
+15 to Strength
+2 to Martial Arts (Assassin only)
3% Mana stolen per hit
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Attacker Takes Damage of 6

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Viper Fist

Heavy Bracers: Viper Fist

Required Level: 57
Defense: 40
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+15 to Attack Rating
Fire Resist +25%
Attacker Takes Damage of 6

Rarity : rare

Heavy Bracers: Wraith Grip

Heavy Bracers: Wraith Grip

Defense: 40
Required Level: 59
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+8 to Strength
+8 to Dexterity
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Attacker Takes Damage of 3

Rarity : rare

Heavy Gloves: Corpse Claw

Heavy Gloves: Corpse Claw

Required Level: 51
Defense: 5
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+11 to Strength
+14 to Dexterity
Cold Resist +26%
Fire Resist +9%

Rarity : rare

Heavy Gloves: Eagle Claw

Heavy Gloves: Eagle Claw

Required Level: 48
Defense: 10
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+8 to Strength
+13 to Dexterity
Cold Resist +29%
+50% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Heavy Gloves: Gale Clutches

Heavy Gloves: Gale Clutches

Required Level: 51
Defense: 5
+2 to Martial Arts (Assassin only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+14 to Strength
+9 to Dexterity
Poison Resist +8%
Cold Resist +26%

Rarity : rare

Leather Gloves: Blood Hand

Leather Gloves: Blood Hand

Defense: 3
Required Level: 51
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+14 to Strength
+8 to Dexterity
+40 to Mana
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Fire Resist +15%

Rarity : rare

Leather Gloves: Brimstone Grasp

Leather Gloves: Brimstone Grasp

Required Level: 51
Defense: 4
+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+14 to Strength
+10 to Dexterity
+17% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Vambraces: Death Hand

Vambraces: Death Hand

Defense: 89
Required Level: 51
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+10 to Strength
+13 to Dexterity
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Fire Resist +11%
+32% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Vambraces: Doom Hand

Vambraces: Doom Hand

Defense: 67
Durability: 16 of 16
Required Strength: 106
Required Level: 73
5% Chance to cast level 4 Frost Nova when struck
+2 to Martial Arts (Assassin Only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+15 to Strength
Attacker Takes Damage of 6
Repairs 1 Durability in 33 seconds

Rarity : Crafted

Vambraces: Hailstone Touch

Vambraces: Hailstone Touch

Required Level: 51
Defense: 63
+2 to Martial Arts (Assassin only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+7 to Strength
+11 to Dexterity
Poison Resist +13%
Lightning Resist +20%

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Blood Hand

Vampirebone Gloves: Blood Hand

Required Level: 73
Defense: 62
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+14 to Strength
+2 to Dexterity
+14 to Life
Poison Resist +19%
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
3% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Bramble Grip

Vampirebone Gloves: Bramble Grip

Required Level: 70
Defense: 64
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+4 to Strength
+14 to Dexterity
+12 to Attack Rating
+19 to Life
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
3% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Brimstone Grip

Vampirebone Gloves: Brimstone Grip

Defense: 176
Durability: 12 of 14
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 65
+20% Increased Attack Speed
5% Bonus to Attack Rating
3% Life stolen per hit
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
+167% Enhanced Defense
+3 to Dexterity
+12 to Life
+5 to Light Radius

Rarity : Crafted

Vampirebone Gloves: Cruel Claw

Vampirebone Gloves: Cruel Claw

Required Level: 70
Defense: 108
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+4 to Strength
+15 to Dexterity
+13 to Life
+65% Enhanced Defense
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
2% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Cruel Clutches

Vampirebone Gloves: Cruel Clutches

Defense: 87
Durability: 9 of 14
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 70
+20% Increased Attack Speed
3% Life stolen per hit
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
+33% Enhanced Defense
+11 to Dexterity
+14 to Life
69% Extra Gold from Monsters

Rarity : Crafted

Vampirebone Gloves: Death Fist

Vampirebone Gloves: Death Fist

Required Level: 70
Defense: 79
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+12 to Dexterity
+20 to Life
+21% Enhanced Defense
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
3% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Demon Finger

Vampirebone Gloves: Demon Finger

Required Level: 51
Defense: 82
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+13 to Strength
+14 to Dexterity
+25% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Demon Hand

Vampirebone Gloves: Demon Hand

Defense: 56
Required Level: 73
+11 to Strength
+15 to Dexterity
+13 to Life
3% Life stolen per hit
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Lightning Resist +15%

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Doom Clutches

Vampirebone Gloves: Doom Clutches

Required Level: 57
Defense: 81
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+10 to Life
Fire Resist +30%
+23% Enhanced Defense
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
2% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Gale Claw

Vampirebone Gloves: Gale Claw

Defense: 104
Required Level: 70
+7 to Strength
+11 to Dexterity
+12 to Life
1% Life stolen per hit
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+59% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Gale Clutches

Vampirebone Gloves: Gale Clutches

Required Level: 57
Defense: 56
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+5 to Strength
+20 to Life
Cold Resist +24%
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
3% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Gale Clutches

Vampirebone Gloves: Gale Clutches

Required Level: 57
Defense: 97
+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+18 to Life
Fire Resist +25%
+48% Enhanced Defense
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
2% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Glyph Knuckle

Vampirebone Gloves: Glyph Knuckle

Required Level: 73
Defense: 59
+2 to Martial Arts (Assassin only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+15 to Strength
Replenish Life +4
+12 to Life
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
1% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Hailstone Knuckle

Vampirebone Gloves: Hailstone Knuckle

Defense: 65
Required Level: 73
+14 to Strength
+9 to Dexterity
+18 to Life
3% Life stolen per hit
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Cold Resist +7%

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Havoc Knuckle

Vampirebone Gloves: Havoc Knuckle

Required Level: 70
Defense: 109
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+15 to Dexterity
+17 to Life
+66% Enhanced Defense
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
3% Life stolen per hit
3% Mana stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Loath Clutches

Vampirebone Gloves: Loath Clutches

Required Level: 57
Defense: 59
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+11 to Life
Cold Resist +16%
Fire Resist +22%
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
2% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Loath Knuckle

Vampirebone Gloves: Loath Knuckle

Defense: 57
Required Level: 73
+11 to Strength
+14 to Dexterity
+13 to Life
+2 to Light Radius
2% Life stolen per hit
+20% Increased Attack Speed

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Pain Claw

Vampirebone Gloves: Pain Claw

Defense: 64
Required Level: 57
+16 to Attack Rating
+13 to Life
3% Life stolen per hit
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Poison Resist +25%
Fire Resist +30%

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Plague Fist

Vampirebone Gloves: Plague Fist

Required Level: 57
Defense: 89
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon only)
5% Bonus to Attack Rating
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+15 to Life
+35% Enhanced Defense
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
+5 to Light Radius
3% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Plague Hand

Vampirebone Gloves: Plague Hand

Required Level: 57
Defense: 61
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+15 to Life
Fire Resist +6%
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
3% Life stolen per hit
3% Mana stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Raven Touch

Vampirebone Gloves: Raven Touch

Required Level: 73
Defense: 63
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+15 to Strength
+12 to Life
Poison Resist +22%
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
3% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Rune Claw

Vampirebone Gloves: Rune Claw

Required Level: 73
Defense: 114
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+15 to Strength
+13 to Attack Rating
+18 to Life
+73% Enhanced Defense
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
3% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Rune Grasp

Vampirebone Gloves: Rune Grasp

Required Level: 59
Defense: 62
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+9 to Strength
+9 to Dexterity
+13 to Life
Fire Resist +22%
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
2% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Rune Touch

Vampirebone Gloves: Rune Touch

Defense: 128
Durability: 13 of 14
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 70
+20% Increased Attack Speed
3% Life stolen per hit
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
+94% Enhanced Defense
+12 to Dexterity
+18 to Life
Lightning Resist +7%

Rarity : Crafted

Vampirebone Gloves: Soul Hand

Vampirebone Gloves: Soul Hand

Required Level: 73
Defense: 65
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+12 to Strength
+11 to Dexterity
+17 to Life
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
2% Life stolen per hit
+17 to Mana

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Spirit Touch

Vampirebone Gloves: Spirit Touch

Required Level: 70
Defense: 65
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+7 to Strength
+12 to Dexterity
+13 to Life
Poison Resist +22%
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
3% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Stone Touch

Vampirebone Gloves: Stone Touch

Required Level: 59
Defense: 65
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+8 to Strength
+15 to Life
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
Half Freeze Duration
2% Life stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

Vampirebone Gloves: Viper Knuckle

Vampirebone Gloves: Viper Knuckle

Required Level: 57
Defense: 58
+2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+20 to Life
Poison Resist +12%
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
3% Life stolen per hit
3% Mana stolen per hit

Rarity : rare

War Gauntlets: Soul Grip

War Gauntlets: Soul Grip

Required Level: 51
Defense: 100
+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+13 to Strength
+13 to Dexterity
Cold Resist +17%
+86% Enhanced Defense

Rarity : rare
