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Path of Exile

    Rare Boots

    Showing 1–16 of 562 results

    ImageItem namePriceBuy
    Heavy Boots: Bitter Spur

    Heavy Boots: Bitter Spur

    Required Level: 38
    Defense: 5
    +30% Faster Run/Walk
    +6 to Dexterity
    Poison Resist +25%
    Cold Resist +36%
    Lightning Resist +40%
    72% Extra Gold from Monsters

    Rarity : rare

    Wyrmhide Boots: Doom Greaves

    Wyrmhide Boots: Doom Greaves

    Required Level: 51
    Defense: 56
    +10% Faster Hit Recovery
    +30% Faster Run/Walk
    Lightning Resist +32%
    Fire Resist +27%
    Regenerate Mana 8%
    Increase Maximum Mana 3%
    +18 to Mana

    Rarity : rare
