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Path of Exile

    Rare LLD

    Showing 1–16 of 780 results

    ImageItem namePriceBuy
    Alpha Helm: Spirit Mask

    Alpha Helm: Spirit Mask

    Defense: 62
    Durability: 45 of 60
    (Druid Only)
    Required Strength: 44
    Required Level: 30
    +2 to Elemental Skills (Druid Only)
    +10% Faster Hit Recovery
    +3 to Tornado (Druid Only)
    +2 to Shock Wave (Druid Only)
    +1 to Carrion Vine (Druid Only)
    +15 to Life
    Cold Resist +8%
    Sockets (2)

    Rarity : Rare

    Amulet: Ghoul Wing

    Amulet: Ghoul Wing

    Required Level: 27
    +1 to Assassin Skills
    +54 to Life
    Replenish Life +8
    Cold Resist +40%
    Poison Resist +35%

    Rarity : Rare

    Amulet: Grim Necklace

    Amulet: Grim Necklace

    Required Level: 30
    +2 to Shape Shifting Skills (Druid Only)
    +2 to Minimum Damage
    +55 to Life
    Replenish Life +8
    +80 to Mana
    Cold Resist +5%

    Rarity : Rare

    Amulet: Stone Collar

    Amulet: Stone Collar

    Required Level: 30
    +2 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)
    +10% Faster Cast Rate
    +54 to Life
    Replenish Life +9
    +72 to Mana
    +10 Maximum Stamina

    Rarity : Rare

    Amulet: Wraith Gorget

    Amulet: Wraith Gorget

    Required Level: 29
    +1 to Paladin Skill Levels
    +54 to Life
    Replenish Life +8
    +70 to Mana
    All Resistances +4
    Magic Damage Reduced by 1

    Rarity : Rare

    Ancient Shield: Storm Guard

    Ancient Shield: Storm Guard

    Defense: 91
    Chance to Block:
    Smite Damage: 12 to 16
    Durability: 73 of 80
    Required Strength: 110
    Required Level: 27
    +1 to Paladin Skill Levels
    +17% Faster Hit Recovery
    +30% Faster Block Rate
    20% Increased Chance of Blocking
    All Resistances +13
    Attacker Takes Damage of 3
    Sockets (2)

    Rarity : Rare

    Ashwood Bow: Brimstone Harp

    Ashwood Bow: Brimstone Harp

    Two-Hand Damage: 39 to 71
    (Amazon Only)
    Required Dexterity: 77
    Required Strength: 56
    Required Level: 30
    Bow Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
    +2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
    +20% Increased Attack Speed
    +146% Enhanced Damage
    +84 to Attack Rating
    Adds 1-4 cold damage
    Sockets (2)

    Rarity : Rare

    Circlet: Armageddon Hood

    Circlet: Armageddon Hood

    Defense: 29
    Durability: 81 of 105
    Required Level: 30
    +2 to Poison and Bone Skills (Necromancer Only)
    +20% Faster Cast Rate
    All Resistances +12
    Damage Reduced by 4
    Sockets (2)

    Rarity : Rare

    Circlet: Soul Veil

    Circlet: Soul Veil

    Defense: 24
    Durability: 20 of 35
    Required Level: 30
    +2 to Fire Skills (Sorceress Only)
    +20% Faster Cast Rate
    +36 to Life
    Sockets (2)

    Rarity : Rare

    Greaves: Dread Track

    Greaves: Dread Track

    Defense: 12
    Durability: 14 of 24
    Required Strength: 70
    Required Level: 29
    12% Chance to cast level 4 Nova when struck
    +30% Faster Run/Walk
    +10% Faster Hit Recovery
    Cold Resist +37%
    Lightning Resist +28%
    Fire Resist +33%

    Rarity : Rare

    Greaves: Stone Nails

    Greaves: Stone Nails

    Defense: 15
    Durability: 20 of 24
    Required Strength: 70
    Required Level: 29
    +30% Faster Run/Walk
    +10% Faster Hit Recovery
    Cold Resist +38%
    Fire Resist +38%
    Poison Resist +39%

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Beast Eye

    Jewel: Beast Eye

    Required Level: 28
    +16 to Maximum Damage
    +9 to Dexterity
    Cold Resist +21%

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Death Whorl

    Jewel: Death Whorl

    Required Level: 28
    +9 to Maximum Damage
    +6 to Strength
    +8 to Dexterity
    Lightning Resist +27%

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Doom Talisman

    Jewel: Doom Talisman

    Required Level: 27
    +16 to Maximum Damage
    +33 to Attack Rating
    Requirements -15%

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Ghoul Eye

    Jewel: Ghoul Eye

    Required Level: 29
    +17 to Maximum Damage
    +9 to Dexterity
    Attacker Takes Damage of 2

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Ghoul Whorl

    Jewel: Ghoul Whorl

    Required Level: 28
    +9 to Maximum Damage
    +6 to Strength
    +9 to Dexterity
    Requirements -15%

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Havoc Heart

    Jewel: Havoc Heart

    Required Level: 28
    +20% Enhanced Damage
    +8 to Maximum Damage
    +6 to Strength
    +9 to Dexterity

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Shadow Heart

    Jewel: Shadow Heart

    Required Level: 27
    +16 to Maximum Damage
    Requirements -15%

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Skull Talisman

    Jewel: Skull Talisman

    Required Level: 27
    +15 to Maximum Damage
    +5 to Strength
    Fire Resist +27%

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Stone Scarab

    Jewel: Stone Scarab

    Required Level: 27
    +16 to Maximum Damage
    12% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
    Requirements -15%

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Storm Eye

    Jewel: Storm Eye

    Required Level: 24
    +40 Defense
    +8 to Life
    7% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
    Requirements -15%

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Storm Whorl

    Jewel: Storm Whorl

    Required Level: 27
    +15 to Maximum Damage
    Lightning Resist +30%
    Requirements -15%

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Viper Heart

    Jewel: Viper Heart

    Required Level: 30
    +20% Enhanced Damage
    +8 to Minimum Damage
    +6 to Strength
    +9 to Dexterity

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Viper Talisman

    Jewel: Viper Talisman

    Required Level: 30
    Adds 8-18 damage

    Rarity : Rare

    Jewel: Wraith Whorl

    Jewel: Wraith Whorl

    Required Level: 30
    Adds 7-18 damage
    +20 poison damage over 2 seconds

    Rarity : Rare

    Maiden Javelin: Fiend Nails

    Maiden Javelin: Fiend Nails

    Throw Damage: 19 to 71
    One-Hand Damage: 26 to 45
    Quantity: 80
    (Amazon Only)
    Required Dexterity: 37
    Required Strength: 23
    Required Level: 26
    Javelin Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
    +2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
    +30% Increased Attack Speed
    +118% Enhanced Damage
    +47 to Attack Rating
    Adds 7-29 cold damage
    Replenishes quantity (1 in 20 seconds)
    Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)

    Rarity : Rare

    Maiden Javelin: Grim Bite

    Maiden Javelin: Grim Bite

    Throw Damage: 18 to 68
    One-Hand Damage: 24 to 43
    Quantity: 80
    (Amazon Only)
    Required Dexterity: 37
    Required Strength: 23
    Required Level: 30
    Javelin Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
    +1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
    +30% Increased Attack Speed
    +104% Enhanced Damage
    +1 to Maximum Damage
    +147 to Attack Rating
    Replenishes Quantity (1 in 20 seconds)
    Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)

    Rarity : Rare

    Maiden Javelin: Raven Branch

    Maiden Javelin: Raven Branch

    Throw Damage: 19 to 69
    One-Hand Damage: 25 to 44
    Quantity: 80
    (Amazon Only)
    Required Dexterity: 37
    Required Strength: 23
    Required Level: 26
    Javelin Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
    +2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
    +30% Increased Attack Speed
    +112% Enhanced Damage
    +74 to Attack Rating
    +47% Damage to Undead
    +54 to Attack Rating against Undead
    Adds 1-32 lightning damage
    Replenishes quantity (1 in 20 seconds)
    Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)

    Rarity : Rare

    Ring: Raven Loop

    Ring: Raven Loop

    Required Level: 30
    +10% Faster Cast Rate
    +8 to Strength
    +10 to Life
    Cold Resist +26%
    Fire Resist +16%
    Poison Resist +23%

    Rarity : Rare
