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D4 Categories

Path of Exile

    Please Select Realm

    Item namePrice

    Rogue: Twisting Blade – Ancestral Gear Pack (Power)

    Level Requirement: 60-80

    Item Power 830+

    Helm: Cooldown Reduction / Max Life / % Armor

    Armor: Close Dmg Reduct / Max Life / % Dmg Reduct

    Glove: +3 Twisting Blade / Crit Chance / Atk Speed

    Pant: Close Dmg Reduct / Max Life / % Dmg Reduct

    Boot: Move Speed / Energy Reduct / +3 Dash

    Amulet: Move Speed / Cooldown Reduct / Energy Reduct

    Ring1: Crit Chance / Crit Dmg / Vul Dmg

    Ring2: Crit Chance / Crit Dmg / Vul Dmg

    Crossbow: 900+ IPower / Core Dmg / Vul Dmg / Crit Dmg

    Sword1: 900+ IPower / Core Dmg / Vul Dmg / Crit Dmg

    Sword2: 900+ IPower /Core Dmg / Vul Dmg / Crit Dmg

    Leave a message on checkout notes for any modifications.


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